This morning as I arrived to work at 4:30 am, not really ready to face another day of uncertainty and challenges, I walked into the living room to some beautiful, soft, instrumental hymns playing on the CD player and a complete peace and calm throughout our home. It was a really good reminder of the fact that God is bigger than all of this chaos and He's got this. We have nothing to fear!
My heart turned to gratitude and I would like to just take this opportunity to express that gratitude. I want to thank our wonderful team here at Fairview Haven who have showed up to work with a smile on their face to care for our loved ones. Oh, how things are different for them. We are adjusting daily to new changes, yet they are meeting the challenge with such great attitudes. I love to see the teamwork and the smiles as I walk the halls of Fairview Haven. Thank you team for being such an easy group of people to lead. Thank you to my management team who have been such an amazing support to me and to the team here at Fairview Haven. Thanks for your flexibility of coming in early, staying late, working weekends, taking calls "off the clock".
I want to thank our family members. I can't really imagine how difficult it must be to have a loved one inside Fairview Haven who you are used to visiting every day and now all of a sudden you can't visit and we have no idea for how long. Many have expressed that you know we'll take good care of them and that our caregivers will love them like our own family, but still the pain of separation is there. Yet, I have not heard ONE family member complain. In fact I have been humbled by your attitudes and your appreciation for our team during this difficult time. So thank you for your support and patience with us. I know we won't get everything right during this crises, but I promise you that our team will do our very best to care not only for our residents, but our families as well.
I want to thank our community. I know this is a difficult time for everyone. #canceleverything sort of seemed like a joke a couple weeks ago, but reality is here. I know that some people still have a hard time understanding. My heart is filled with gratitude as I see people who become educated begin to really get behind controlling this crisis. This really can't be about self preservation, but rather supporting and preserving your community. I'm thankful to live in a community that rallies around each other.
Lastly I am so grateful for the prayers on my behalf and on behalf of the team at Fairview Haven. Sometimes when we pray we have no idea how that prayer is helping. This is one of those times that I can tell you, your prayers matter. I know that we are being carried by your prayers. I am going to beg you all to please continue to pray for Fairview Haven at least daily through this crisis. With God all things are possible! Of course our prayer is that we keep this nasty virus out of our community or at least contain it to a point that it doesn't devastate us. But, also that whatever comes that God will give us endurance, peace and calm, that He can be glorified in all things. Pray for healthcare providers everywhere!
Thanks for letting me ramble and forgive my poor writing style (no editor to clean it up)! God bless all of you! - Dave Blunier, Administrator